[1] [2] There were a seauen hundred of them that fled from Algate, and other places, flaine outright, be|side the prisoners. And yet there were fiers burning all at once at Algate, Bishops gate, & on the bridge, and manie houses consumed with the same fiers. But now the bastard, vnder whome that companie was directed that had set fire on the bridge, when he saw that he might not preuaile, and vnderstood the e|uill succes of those which he had set ouer the Thames, he withdrew also, and left the bridge. Here the har|die manhood of Rafe Iosselin alderman is not to be passed with silence;Rafe Iosse|lin. who (after he had valiantlie resi|sted the bastard & his band that assaulted the bridge) vpon their retire sallied foorth vpon them, and fol|lowing them in chase alongst the water side, till they came beyond Ratcliffe, slue and tooke verie manie of them.