[1] And first he plaged them with the swift and thicke flight of his arrowes, and after ioining with them at handstrokes, slue and tooke manie of them priso|ners; so that the rebels were fullie put to flight, and followed first to Mile-end, and from thense some vn|to Poplar, some to Stratford, and Stepnith, and in maner each waie foorth about that part of the ci|tie, the chase being followed for the space of two miles in length. Manie of them were of Essex, and so made their course homewards; but the more part of them fled to the water side, and getting to their ships, pas|sed ouer the Thames to the rest of their companie. The other likewise that were busie to assault Bi|shops gate, when they vnderstood that their fellowes were discomfited and fled from Algate, they like|wise flipped awaie, and made the best shift they could to saue themselues.