[1] [2] Héerewith they lashed freelie the one part at the other with guns and bowes, although no great hurt was doone with shot;The valiancie of Robert Basset alder|man. till at length Robert Basset al|derman (that was appointed to the kéeping of this gate, with the most part of the citizens) and the re|corder, named Ursewike, either of them being well armed in strong iackes, commanded the portculice to be drawen vp, and maintenantlie rushed foorth vp|on their enimies, putting them backe vnto saint Bothulpes church. At the same instant, the earle Ri|uers, hauing got togither a foure or fiue hundred men, well chosen and apparelled for the warre, issued foorth at the posterne by the Tower, and assailing the Kentishmen, euen vpon the point as they were thus put backe, mightilie laid vpon them.