[1] [2] [3] For they did their best at both places to force the gates, not sparing to bend and discharge such guns as they had brought with them against the same, nor ceassing with arrowes to annoie those that there stood at defense: whereby much hurt was doone, as well at the one place as the other, fire being set on both the gates, in purpose to haue burnt them vp, and so to haue entered.Houses burnt on the bridge. The fire which they had kind|led on the bridge little auailed them, although they burnt there to the number of a thréescore houses. For the citizens had laid such péeces of ordinance directlie in their waie, that although the passage had béene wholie open, they should haue had hard entering that waie foorth. The maior, aldermen, and other worship|full citizens were in good arraie, and each man ap|pointed and bestowed where was thought néedfull.