[1] [2] The bastard meaneth to enter the citie by force.But the citizens on the other side lodged their great artillerie against their aduersaries, and with violent shot therof so galled them, that they durst not abide in anie place alongst the water side, but were driuen euen from their owne ordinance. Yet the ba|stard not meaning to leaue anie waie vnassaied that might aduance his purpose, appointed a great num|ber of his retinue to set fire on the bridge, so to open the passage, and to enter into the citie that way forth; and withall, he caused aboue thrée thousand other to passe by ships ouer the Thames; giuing order, that when they were got ouer, they should diuide them|selues into two battels, the one to assault Algate, and the other Bishops gate,Algate and Bishops gate assaulted. which order accordinglie was executed.