[1] King Edward from time to time by posts was informed of all these dooings, & by aduise of his coun|cell, the foureteenth of Maie,Succours sent to the ci|tie of London. sent to the succors of the maior and aldermen fiftéene hundred of the choi|sest souldiers he had about him, that they might helpe to resist the enimies, till he had got such an armie to|gither as was thought necessarie, meaning with all conuenient spéed to come therewith to the rescue of the citie, and preseruation of the quéene, prince, and his daughters, that were within the Tower, not in verie good safegard, considering the euill dispositions of manie within the citie of London, that for the fa|uour they had borne to the earle of Warwike, and desire to be partakers of the spoile, cared not if the bastard might haue atteined to his full purpose and wished intent.