[1] Diuerse of them made sute to the earle of Nor|thumberland, that it might please him to be a media|tor to the king for their pardon; so that now, there was no rebellion in all the north parts,Rebellion in the north pa|cified. but that as well the citie of Yorke, as all other places, were at the kings commandement, readie in all things to o|beie him as true and loiall subiects. And this was confirmed by the earle of Northumberlands owne mouth,The earle of Northum|berland. who on the fouretéenth of Maie came to the king, as yet remaining at Couentrie: by reason whereof it was not thought néedfull, that the king should trauell anie further northward at that time, either about the pacifieng of the people, or to see exe|cution doone vpon the offendors, sith all was there in good tranquillitie and quiet.