[1] [2] Herevpon, comming to Couentrie the eleuenth of Maie, and remaining there thrée daies, he well refreshed such as had béene with him at Teukesbu|rie field. Hither was brought to him queene Marga|ret, from whence she was conueied to London, there to remaine in safe keeping (as before you haue hard.) Whilest he was busie in sending abroad vnto his friends to leauie an armie, he was aduertised that the commotion in the north was pacified. For after it was knowen abroad, how he obteined the victorie, as well at Teukesburie, as at Barnet, and in manner subdued all his enimies, the capteins that had stirred the people to that rebellion, began to quaile, and for|sooke their companies.