[1] [2] The same tuesdaie; the king departed from Teu|kesburie towards Worcester, and by the waie had knowledge that quéene Margaret was found in a poore house of religion, not far from thence,Queéne M [...]garet taken. into the which she was withdrawen for safegard of hir selfe, on saturdaie in the morning, being the daie of the battell. She was after brought to London as priso|ner, [page 689] and so kept, till hir father ransomed hir with great summes of monie, which he borowed of Lewes the eleuenth king of France. And bicause he was not able to make repaiment thereof, he sold vnto the said Lewes (as the French writers affirme) the king|domes of Naples, and both the Sicils, with the coun|tie of Prouance. King Edward being at Worce|ster, had aduertisements brought foorth of the north|parts, that the people there were about to assemble in armour against him, in fauour of king Henrie: wherevpon he left the right way to London, and rode to Couentrie, meaning to increase the number of his people, and so with a puissant armie to go north|wards.