[1] There were found in the abbeie and other places of the towne, Edmund duke of Summerset, Iohn Lonstrother lord prior of S. Iohn, sir Thomas Tres|sham, sir Gerueis Clifton, and diuerse other knights and esquiers, which were apprehended, and all of them being brought before the duke of Glocester, sitting as constable of England, and the duke of Norf|folke, as marshall in the middest of the towne, they were arreigned, condemned, and iudged to die;The duke of Summerset & others behea|ded. and so vpon the tuesdaie, being the seuenth of Maie, the said duke and the lord prior, with the two forenamed knights, and twelue other knights, were on a scaf|fold, set vp in the middle of the towne for that pur|pose, beheaded, and permitted to be buried, without anie other dismembring, or setting vp of their heads in anie one place or other.