[1] Wherevnto the prince boldlie answered, saieng;
To recouer my fathers kingdome & heritage, from his father and grandfather to him, and from him af|ter him to me lineallie descended.At which words king Edward said nothing,Prince Ed|ward mur|thered. but with his hand thrust him from him, or (as some saie) stroke him with his gantlet; whom incontinentlie, George duke of Cla|rence, Richard duke of Glocester, Thomas Greie marquesse Dorcet, and William lord Hastings that stood by, suddenlie murthered: for the which cruell act, the more part of the dooers in their latter daies dranke of the like cup, by the righteous iustice and due punishment of God. His bodie was homelie in|terred with the other simple corpses, in the church of the monasterie of blacke monks in Teukesburie.