[1] [2] [3] Edw. Hall. Prince Ed|ward taken.In the winning of the campe, such as stood to it were slaine out of hand Prince Edward was taken as he fled towards the towne, by sir Richard Crofts, and kept close. In the field and chase were slaine,Nobles [...] the lord Iohn of Summerset, called marquesse Dorset, Thomas Courtenie earle of Deuonshire, sir Iohn Delues, sir Edward Hampden, sir Robert Whiting|ham, and sir Iohn Leukener, with thrée thousand o|thers. After the field was ended, proclamation was made, that whosoeuer could bring foorth prince Ed|ward aliue or dead, should haue an annuitie of a hun|dred pounds during his life, and the princes life to be saued, if he were brought foorth aliue.Sir Richard Crofts deli|uereth the prince in hope that his life should haue béene saued. Sir Richard Crofts, nothing mistrusting the kings promise, brought foorth his prisoner prince Edward, being a faire and well proportioned yoong gentleman; whom when king Edward had well aduised, he demanded of him, how he durst so presumptuouslie enter into his realme with banner displaied.