[1] The duke of Glocester, vpon a politike purpose (as some haue written) reculed backe with all his companie, which when the duke of Summerset per|ceiued, either mooued therewith; or else bicause he was too sore annoied with the shot in that place where he and his fore-ward stood,The duke of Summerset. like a knight more coura|gious than circumspect, came out of his strength with his whole battell, and aduanced himselfe some|wha [...] [page 688] aside slips the kings voward, and by certeine passages aforehand, and for that purpose prouided (to the kings part, although vnknowne) he passed a lane, and came into a faire open close right before the king, where he was imbattelled, not doubting but the prince and the lord Wenlocke, with the midle-ward, had followed iust at his backe. But whether the lord Wenlocke dissembled the matter for king Edwards sake, or whether his hart serued him not, still he stood, and gaue the looking on.