[1] [2] [3] The duke of Summerset, and his brother the lord Iohn of Summerset led the fore-ward.The ordering of the lords hoast. The midle-ward was gouerned by the prince, vnder the conduct of the lord of saint Iohn, and the lord Wenlocke (whome king Edward had aduanced to the degrée of a baron.) The rere-ward was appointed to the rule of the earle of Deuonshire. Thus may yée perceiue, that king Edward was put to his shifts, how (to anie ad|uantage) to assault his enimies. Neuerthelesse, he being well furnished with great artillerie, the same was aptlie lodged to annoie the enimies, that they receiued great damage thereby;The duke of Glocester. and the duke of Glo|cester, who lacked no policie, galled them greeuouslie with the shot of arrowes: and they rewarded their aduersaries home againe with like paiment, both with shot of arrowes, and great artillerie, although they had not the like plentie of guns as the king had.Teukesburie field. The passages were so cumbersome, that it was not possible to come vpon anie euen hand, to ioine at handblowes.