[1] On the morrow being saturdaie, and fourth of Maie, he drew towards his enimies, and marshalled his armie, diuided into thrée battels in this sort.The ordering of king Ed|wards battell. He put his brother the duke of Glocester in the fore|ward, and himselfe in the midle-ward. The lord Mar|ques, and the lord Hastings led the rere-ward. Heer|with he approached the enimies campe, which was right hard to be assailed, by reason of the deepe dit|ches, hedges, trées, bushes, and cumbersome lanes, wherewith the same was fensed, both a front, and on the sides, so as the king could not well approach them to anie aduantage: and to be the better in a readinesse to beat backe the kings power, when he should come to assault them, they were imbattelled in this order.