[1] [2] [3] [4] King Edward had euer good espials, to aduertise him still what his enimies did, and which waie they tooke. At length he came with all his armie vnto a village called Chiltenham,Chiltenham. like a fiue miles distant from Teukesburie, where he had certeine know|ledge that his enimies were alreadie come to Teu|kesburie, and were incamped there, purposing to a|bide him in that place, and to deliuer him battell. King Edward therevpon made no long delaie, but tooke a little refection himselfe, and caused his people to doo the like, with such prouision of vittels as he had appointed to be conueied foorth with him for the re|léefe of himselfe and his armie. This doone, he set for|ward towards his enimies, and lodged that night in a field not past thrée miles distant from them.