[1] [2] It might be maruelled at, whie they attempted not the winning of Glocester indéed,Glocester, [...] it was not assaulted. considering the freends which they knew they had within it. But the cause which mooued them cheeflie to forbeare, was, for that as well they without, as the other with|in the towne, knew that king Edward approached at hand, and was readie to set vpon them on the backes, if they had once begun to haue assaulted the towne; and so, neither they within the towne that were the kings freends doubted the enimies forces, nor the enimie indéed durst attempt anie such enter|prise against them. About foure of the clocke in the afternoone, they came to Teukesburie, hauing tra|uelled that night last past,A long march. and that daie, six and thir|tie long miles, in a foule countrie, all in lanes and stonie waies, betwixt woods, without anie good refre|shing, so that as well the men as the horsses were right wearie.