[1] [2] [3] The king sent therefore with all spéed vnto him, commanding him to doo his best to defend the towne and castell against his enimies, if they came to assaile the same, as it was supposed they intended: and if they so did, he promised to come with his whole armie presentlie to the rescue. The messengers did their di|ligence, and so being ioifullie receiued into Gloce|ster, the towne and castell, by the vigilant regard of the said Richard Beauchampe, was put in safe keep|ing. And this message was doone in good time, for true it is, there were diuerse in the towne, that could haue béene well contented that the quéene, and the lords with hir, should haue béene receiued there, and would haue aduentured to haue brought it to passe, if they had not béene thus preuented.