[1] On the morrow, hearing no certeintie of their comming forward, he marched to Malmesburie, still seeking to incounter them: but heere he had know|ledge, that they hauing changed their purpose, meant not to giue him battell; and therefore were turned aside, and gone to Bristow, where they were receiued, reléeued, and well refreshed by such as fa|uoured their cause, as well with vittels, men, and mo|nie, as good store of artillerie. Wherevpon they were so incouraged, that the thursdaie after they tooke the field againe, purposing to giue king Edward battell indéed; and for the same intent had sent their foreri|ders to a towne, distant from Bristow nine miles, called Sudburie, appointing a ground for their field,Sudburie hill. a mile from the same towne, toward the kings campe, called Sudburie hill.