[1] But king Edward, considering aduisedlie of the matter, perceiued well that they being in an angle of the realme, if they ment to go to London, they must either hold the streight waie foorth by Salisbu|rie, or else drawing vp to the sea side, passe alongst through Hampshire, Sussex and Kent; or happilie if they mistrusted their owne strengths, as not able to match with his puissance, they would then slip on the left hand, and draw towards Chesshire, and Lanca|shire, there to increase their forces, and peraduenture by the waie to ioine with a power of Welshmen, vn|der the leading of Iasper earle of Penbroke, who had béene sent into Wales long afore, to frame and put in a readines the people there to assist king Hen|ries friends at their comming thitherwards. And such was there purpose in deed, for they had great confidence in such aid, as they trusted to haue of the Chesshire and Lancashire men.