[1] King Edward, being at London, was dailie ad|uertised by faithfull espials of all the dooings of his aduersaries, and was in no small agonie, bicause he could not learne what waie his enimies ment to take; for he purposed to incounter them in one place or other, before they should approch neere to London. And vpon such resolution, with such an armie as he had got about London,K. Edward setteth for|ward against his enimies. furnished with all artillerie and other prouisions necessarie, he set forward the nintéenth of Aprill, and came to Windsore, where he staied a season, as well to celebrate the feast of saint George, as to abide the comming of such hands as he had appointed to repaire thither vnto him, ma|king there his generall assemblie.