[1] Edw. Hall. The presence of these noble men greatlie comfor|ted hir, and relieued hir of the sorrowes that in ma|ner ouerwhelmed hir pensiue heart: for she doubted sore the end of all these procéedings; the which they concluded to follow vpon the aduancement of hir and hirs. Speciallie it misgaue hir, that some euill should chance to hir sonne prince Edward,The feare which quéene Margaret had for hir sonne. for shee greatlie weied not of hir owne perill (as she hir selfe confessed) and therefore she would gladlie haue had them either to haue deferred the battell till a more conuenient time: or else that hir sonne might haue béene conueied ouer into France againe, there to haue remained in safetie, till the chance of the next battell were tried: but they being of a contrarie mind, and namelie the duke of Summerset, she at length consented vnto that which they were resolued vpon.