[1] Quéene Margaret, and hir sonne prince Edward, with the other that landed at Weimouth, went from thence to an abbeie néere by called Céerne. Thither came vnto them Edmund duke of Summerset,The duke of Summerset, and the earle of Deuonshire cõfort quéene Margaret. and Thomas Courtneie earle of Deuonshire, with o|thers, and welcommed them into England, comfor|ting the quéene in the best maner they could, and wil|led hir not to despaire of good successe; for albeit they had lost one field (whereof the queene had knowledge the same day being mondaie in easter wéeke, the fif|téenth of Aprill, and was therefore right sorrowfull) yet they doubted not but to assemble such a puissance (and that verie shortlie) foorth of diuerse parts of the realme, as being faithfull, and wholie bent to spend their liues, and shed the best bloud in their bodies for hir sake, & hir sonnes, it should be hard for king Ed|ward to resist them with all the power he had or [page 686] could make.