[1] [2] The duke of Summerset, and the earle of Oxford fled in companie of certeine northerne men, which had béene at the battell; and (as some write) the earle of Oxford kept foorth with them,The duke of Summerset and the earle of Oxfo [...]d. [...]. and retired after in|to Scotland. But yet as well the duke of Summer|set, as the said earle of Oxford, in fléeing toward Scotland, changed their purpose vpon the waie, and turned into Wales to Iasper earle of Penbroke. The duke of Excester being striken downe and [...]ore wounded,The duke of Excester. was left for dead in the field, amongst o|ther the dead bodies, bicause he was not knowne, and by reason thereof comming to himselfe, got vp, and in great danger escaped vnto Westminster, and there tooke sanctuarie. [But some say, that after hée had lien in the field, [...] Flem. spoiled, wounded, and (to sée to) void of life, from seuen of the clocke in the morning, till foure at after noone, he was caried to a seruants house of his there by (named Ruthland) where (after his wounds were searched and dressed by a surgian) he was conueied into Westminster sanctuarie.]