[1] [2] At length after sore fight, and greater slaughter made on both sides, king Edward hauing the grea|ter number of men (as somewrite, though other af|firme the contrarie) began some what to preuaile: but the earle on the other side remembring his ancient fame and renowme, manfullie stucke to it, and in|couraged his people, still supplieng with new succors in places where he saw expedient, and so the fight re|newed more cruell, fierce, & bloudie than before, inso|much that the victorie remained still doubtfull, though they had fought from morning till it was now far in the daie. K. Edward therefore willing to make an end of so long a conflic [...], caused new power of fresh men (which he had for this purpose kept in store) to set on his enimies.