[1] But touching the kings people which were pursu|ed in the chase as they fled, and were put to the worst, manie were wounded, and manie slaine outright. But the residue of those that fought in other parts could not perceiue this distresse of the kings people, bicause the thicke mist would not suffer them to sée anie space farre off, but onelie at hand: and so the kings battell that saw not anie thing what was doone beside them, was nothing discouraged. For (a few excepted that stood next to that part) there was not anie one that wist of that discomfiture; and the o|ther of the earle of Warwikes men,The [...] courage of the earle of War|wike. that fought in other places somewhat distant from them, were no|thing the more incouraged by this prosperous suc|cesse of their fellowes, for they perceiued it not. And in like case as at the west end the earles battell ouer|reached the kings, so at the east end the kings ouer|reached the earls, and with like successe put the earls people in that place to the worse.