[1] [2] Hervpon remoued they towards Barnet, a towne standing in the midwaie betwixt London and saint Albons aloft on a hill; at the end whereof towards saint Albons there is a faire plaine for two armies to meet vpon,Gladmore heath. named Gladmore heath. On the fur|ther side of which plaine towards saint Albons the earle pight his campe. King Edward on the other part, being furnished with a mightie armie (hauing ioined to that power which he brought with him cer|teine new supplies) vpon Easter euen the thirteenth of Aprill in the after noone marched foorth, hauing his said armie diuided into foure battels. He tooke with him king Henrie,The ordering of the kings armie. and came that euening vnto Bar|net, ten small miles distant from London; in which towne his foreriders finding certeine of the earle of Warwikes foreriders, beat them out, & chased them somewhat further than halfe a mile from the towne, where, by an hedge side they found readie assembled a great number of the earle of Warwiks people.