[1] The earle of Warwike, vnderstanding all his doo|ings and purposes, wrote to the Londoners, willing & charging them in anie wise to keepe king Edward out of their citie, and in no condition to permit him to enter: and withall he sent to his brother the arch|bishop of Yorke, willing him by all meanes possible to persuade the Londoners not to receiue him;The arch|bishop of Yorke. but to defend the citie against him for the space of two or thrée daies at the least: promising not to faile but to come after him, and to be readie to assaile him on the backe, not doubting but wholie to distresse his power and to bring him to vtter confusion. The archbishop herevpon, on the ninth of Aprill, called vnto him at Paules, all such lords, knights, and gentlemen, with others that were partakers on that side, to the num|ber in all of six or seauen thousand men in armour.