[1] The king, vpon consideration hereof, and percei|uing he could not get the earle to come foorth of Co|uentrie, departed from Warwike, and eftsoones she|wing himselfe with his people before the citie of Co|uentrie, desired the earle and his power to come foorth into the fields, that they might end their quarrell by battell: which the earle and the other lords with him vtterlie refused as then to doo. This was the fift of A|prill being fridaie. The king herevpon was resolued to march towards London,K. Edward passeth Lon|don. where his principall ad|uersarie king Henrie remained, vsing his kinglie authoritie by diuerse such of the nobilitie as were a|bout him, whereby king Edward was barred and dis|appointed of manie aids and assistants, which he was sure to haue, if he could once breake that force of the roiall authoritie, that was still thus exercised against him in king Henries name.