[1] [2] This doone, the king leauing his hoast againe, kee|ping their ground with the same few persons which he tooke with him before, went with his brother of Clarence vnto his armie, and saluting them with swéete and courteous words, was ioifullie of them welcomed: and so after this, they all came togither ioining in one. And either part shewing themselues glad thus to méet as fréends with the other, they went louinglie togither vnto Warwike with the king, where and in the countrie thereabouts they lod|ged, as they thought stood most with their ease and safeties. Herewith the duke of Clarence desired a|boue all things to procure some good and perfect ac|cord betwixt his brother the king, and the earle of Warwike.