[1] Besides this, the like fréendlie intertainment, and courteous demeanour appeared in the salutings of other noble men that were on them attendant; wher|of all such as saw it, and loued them, greatlie reioised; giuing God thankes for that ioifull méeting, vnitie, and concord, appearing thus manifestlie betwixt them: and herewith the trumpets and other instru|ments sounded, & the king withall brought the duke vnto his armie, whom he saluting in most courteous wise, welcomed them into the land; and they humblie thanking him, did to him such reuerence as appertei|ned to the honour of such a worthie personage. This was a goodlie and a gratious reconcilement, benefi|ciall to the princes, profitable to the péeres, and plea|surable to the people, whose part had beene déepest in dangers and losse, if discord had not beene disconti|nued.