[1] [2] For hearing now that his brother king Edward was landed and comming forward towards Lon|don, he gathered his people, outwardlie pretending to passe with them to the aid of the earle of War|wike against his brother:The dissimu|lation of the duke of Cla|rence. although inwardlie he meant the contrarie, and so accompanied with aboue foure thousand men, he marched foorth towards the place where he thought to find his brother. King Ed|ward being then at Warwike, and vnderstanding that his brother of Clarence approched, in an after|noone issued foorth of that towne with all his forces, and passed on till he came into a faire large field thrée miles distant from Warwike towards Banburie, where he might behold his brother of Clarence in good arraie of battell, comming towards him.