[1] [2] Finallie, by the earnest trauell and diligence shew|ed by the said duches of Burgognie (who incessantlie sent to and fro such hir trustie messengers now to the king being on that side the seas, and then to the duke remaining héere in England) at length they were made fréends,K. Edward and his bro|ther of Cla|rence recon|ciled vnwit|ting to the earle of War|wike. and a perfect agréement concluded and ratified, with assurance betwixt them so strong|lie as might be. To the furthering whereof the kings chamberlaine the lord Hastings failed not to doo his best, so as by his good diligence, it was thought the king was the sooner induced to with to ioine eft|soones in true fréendship with his said brother of Clarence. And as it well appeared, the duke of Cla|rence acquitted himselfe faithfullie therein.