[1] All which things throughlie considered, with ma|nie other as they were laid afore him by right wise and circumspect persons, which in this behalfe had conference with him, he consented that by some se|cret waies and meanes a reconciliation might be had betwixt him and his brethren, the king and the duke of Glocester. The which to bring to some good and full effect, these honorable personages following became dealers therein. First of all the duches of Yorke their mother, the duches of Excester, and the duches of Suffolke their sisters; the lord cardinall of Canturburie, the bishop of Bath, the earle of Essex; but most speciallie the duches of Burgognie their sister also, and diuerse other right wise and prudent personages, who wrought by mediation of certeine preests, and others,Préests vsed for priuie messengers. such as they vsed for messengers betwixt them.