[1] He lodged héere at Warwike, the rather (as was thought) to prouoke the earle to issue foorth of Couen|trie to giue him battell, howbeit that deuise nothing auailed. But yet there came dailie diuerse persons on the earls behalfe to treat with the king about a peace,A treatie for peace. that some good composition might haue béene concluded; & the king for the aduancement of peace and tranquillitie within the realme, offered large conditions; as a free pardon of life to the earle, and all his people, with manie other beneficiall articles on their behalfes, which to manie seemed verie reaso|nable, considering their heinous offenses. But the earle would not accept anie offers, except he might haue compounded so as it pleased himselfe, & as was thought in no wise to stand with the kings honour, and suertie of his estate.