[1] [2] For although, vnder pretense of king Henries authoritie,K. Edward prouoketh the earle of War|wike to fight. he was reputed the kings generall lieute|nant of the whole realme, whereby he had got such power togither, as was thought able inough to match with the king for number; yet bicause he doub|ted how they were bent in his fauour, he durst not commit the matter vnto the doubtfull chance of battell, till he had more of his trustie fréends about him. The king therefore three daies togither prouo|ked him to come foorth, but when he saw it would not be, he remooued to Warwike an eight miles from Couentrie,He cõmeth to Warwike. where he was receiued as king, and so made his proclamations from that time foorth in all places where he came, vnder his accustomed name and title of king.