[1] [2] Whilest he remained at Notingham, and also before he came there, he sent abroad diuerse of his auaunt courrers to discouer the countrie, and to vn|derstand if there were anie power gathered against him. Some of them that were thus sent, approached to Newarke, and vnderstood that within the towne there, the duke of Excester, the earle of Oxenford, the lord Bardolfe,The duke of Excester and a power a [...] Newarke. and other were lodged with a great power to the number of foure thousand men, which they had assembled in Essex, Norffolke, Suffolke, and in the shires of Cambridge, Huntington, and Lincolne. The duke of Excester, and the earle of Ox|enford, with other the chéefe capteins, aduertised that king Edwards foreriders had béene afore the towne in the euening, supposed verefie that he and his whole armie were comming towards them.