[1] About Wakefield and the parts there adioining, some companie of his freends came to him, whereby his power was increased; but nothing in such num|bers as he looked for. From Wakefield he crossed on the left hand, so to come againe into the high waie, and came to Doncaster,K. Edward commeth to NorthamptĂµî€ and from thence vnto No|tingham. Here came to him sir William Parre, and sir Iames Harrington, with six hundred men well armed and appointed: also there came to him sir Tho|mas Burgh, Edw. Hall. & sir Thomas Montgomerie with their aids, which caused him at their first comming to make proclamation in his owne name, to wit, of K. Edward the fourth, boldlie affirming to him, that they would serue no man but a king.