[1] When king Edward had thus gotten into the ci|tie of Yorke, he made such meanes among the citi|zens, that he got of them a certeine summe of mo|nie; and leauing a garison within the citie contrarie to his oth, for feare least the citizens after his depar|ture, might happilie mooue some rebellion against him, he set forward the next day toward Todcaster, a towne ten miles from thence, belonging to the earle of Northumberland. The next day he tooke his waie toward Wakefield and Sendall, a castell and lordship belonging to the inheritance of the dukes of Yorke,The marques Montacute suffereth king Edward to passe by him. leauing the castell of Pomfret vpon his left hand, where the marques Montacute with his armie laie, and did not once offer to stop him.