[1] For this wilfull periurie (as hath béene thought) the issue of this king suffered (for the fathers of|fense) the depriuation not onelie of lands and world|lie possessions, but also of their naturall liues, by their cruell vncle K. Richard the third. [And it may well be. For it is not likelie that God, in whose hands is the bestowing of all souereigntie, will suf|fer such an indignitie to be doone to his sacred maie|stie, and will suffer the same to passe with impunitie, And suerlie, if an osh among priuate men is religi|ouslie to be kept, sith in the same is an exact triall of faith and honestie; doubtlesse of princes it is verie nicelie and preciselie to be obserued: yea they should rather susteine a blemish and disgrace in their roial|tie, than presume to go against their oth and promise, speciallie if the same stand vpon conditions of equi|tie: otherwise they prooue themselues to be impug|ners of fidelitie, which is a iewell surpassing gold in price and estimation, as the poet prudentlie saith:
Charior est auro non simulata fides.