[1] But immediatlie after came the said Coniers a|gaine, with the like tale and information as he had brought before. And thus king Edward one while put in comfort, and another while discouraged, mar|ched foorth till he came to the gates of the citie, where his people staied;K. Edward commeth to Yorke. whilest he and about sixtéene or se|uentéene other such as he thought méetest, went forth and entred the citie with the said Clifford & Burgh. And (as some write) there was a priest readie to saie masse, in which masse time the king receiued the sa|crament of the communion,He receiueth an oth. & there solemnlie sware to kéepe and obserue two speciall articles: although it was farre vnlike that he minded to obserue either of them: the one was that he should vse the citizens after a gentle and courteous maner: and the other, that he should be faithfull and obedient vnto king Henries commandements.