[1] [2] But this notwithstanding, although there were great companies of people of the countries there a|bouts assembled, yet they came not in sight of the king, but suffered him quietlie to passe; either bicause they were persuaded that he ment (as he in outward words pretended) not to claime anie title to the crowne, but onelie his right to the duchie of Yorke; or else for that they doubted to set vpon him, although his number were farre vnequall to theirs; know|ing that not onelie he himselfe, but also his compa|nie were minded to sell their liues dearlie, before they would shrinke an inch from anie that was to incoun|ter them. It maie be that diuerse of the capteins al|so were corrupted: and although outwardlie they shewed to be against him, yet in heart they bare him right good will, and in no wise minded to hinder him. So forward he marched,K. Edward without inter|ruption pas|seth forward to Yorke. till he came to Yorke, on a monday being the eightéenth day of March.