[1] The earle of Warwike aduertised by messen|gers of king Edwards arriuall, and of his turning toward Yorke, with all hast wrote to his brother the marquesse Montacute, who had laine at the castell of Pomfret all the last winter with a great number [page 680] of souldiers, willing him to consider in what case their affaires stood, and therevpon with all spéed to set vpon king Edward, or else to keepe the passages, and to staie him from comming anie further for|ward, till he himselfe as then being in Warwike|shire busie to assemble an armie, might come to his aid with the same. [Thus laboured the earle of War|wike by policie and puissance, as well of his owne as others power, to further his owne purpose, ha|uing sworne in heart a due performance of that, which he had solemnlie vowed and promised before.Sée before page 664.]