[1] And where there were gathered to the number of six or seuen thousand men in diuerse places, vnder the leading chieflie of a priest and of a gentleman called Martine de la Mare, in purpose to haue stopped his passage:Martine de la Mare or Martine of the sea. now the same persons tooke occasion to as|sist him. And when he perceiued mens minds to bée well qualified with this feined deuise, he marched foorth till he came to Beuerleie, which stood in his di|rect waie as he passed toward Yorke.He passeth to|ward Yorke. He sent also to Kingston vpon Hull, distant from thence six miles, willing that he might be there receiued: but the in|habitants, who had bene laboured by his aduersaries, refused in anie wise to grant therevnto.