[1] [2] The duke of Burgognie, hauing an armie readie at the same time to inuade the frontiers of France, to recouer the townes of saint Quinti [...]es and Ami|ens, latelie by the French king taken from him, doubted to be hindered greatlie by the Englishmen, if he should be constreined to haue warre with them: for the duke of Burgognie held not onlie at that sea|son Flanders, but also Bulleine, and Bullennois, and all Artois, so that he was thereby in danger to receiue harme out of Calis on ech side.The duke of Burgognie sendeth am|bassadors to Calis. Therefore he sent ambassadors thither, which did so much with the councell there, that the league was newlie confir|med betwixt the realme of England and the dukes countries; onelie the name of Henrie put in the wri|ting in stéed of Edward. This matter hindered sore the sute of king Edward, dailie suing to the duke for aid at his hands, the more earnestlie indéed, bicause of such promises as by letters were made vnto him out of England, from his assured fréends there.