Snippet: 113 of 344 (1587, Volume 6, p. 678)
Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 725.
The earle Tipto [...]t be|headed.
[This earle of Worcester, being found in the top of an high thrée, in
the forrest of Waibridge, in the countie of Huntington, was brought to
London, and either for treason to him laid, or malice against him conceiued,
was atteinted, and beheaded at the Tower hill, and after buried at the
Blacke friers.] Moreouer, all statutes made by king Edward were clearlie
reuoked, and the crownes of the realmes of
England and France were by authoritie of the same parlement intailed to king
Henrie the sixt,The crowne intailed. and to his
heires male; and for default of such heires, to remaine to George duke of
Clarence, & to his heires male: and further, the said duke was
inabled to be next heire to his father Richard duke of Yorke, and to take
from him all his landes and dignities, as though he had béene his eldest
sonne at the time of his death. Iasper earle of Penbroke, and Iohn earle of
Oxford, with diuerse other by king Edward at|teinted, were restored to their old names, possessi|ons, and ancient