[1] When king Henrie had thus readepted and eft|soons gotten his regall power and authoritie, he cal|led his high court of parlement to begin the six and twentith day of Nouember, at Westminster;A parlement. in the [page 678] which king Edward was adiudged a traitor to the countrie,K. Edward adiudged an vsurper. and an vsurper of the realme. His goods were confiscat and forfeited. The like sentence was giuen against all his partakers and freends. And be|sides this it was inacted, that such as for his sake were apprehended, and were either in captiuitie or at large vpon suerties, should be extremelie punished according to their demerits, amongst whome was the lord Tiptoft earle of Worcester lieutenant for king Edward in Ireland, exercising there more ex|treme crueltie than princelie pietie, and namelie on two infants being sonnes to the earle of Desmond.