[1] [2] The Kentishmen in this seson (whose minds be euer moueable at the change of princes) came to the sub|vrbs of London, spoiled mansions,The Kentish|men make an hurlie burlie. robbed béere|houses, and by the counsell of sir Geffrie Gates and other sanctuarie men, they brake vp the kings Bench and deliuered prisoners, and fell at Ratcliffe, Lime|house, & S. Katharins, to burning of houses, slaugh|ter of people, and rauishing of women. Which small sparkle had growne to a greater flame, if the earle of Warwike with a great power had not suddenlie quenched it, and punished the offendors: which benefit by him doone, caused him much more to be estéemed and liked amongst the commons than he was before. When he had settled all things at his pleasure,King Henrie fetched out of the Tower & restored to his kinglie go|uernement. vpon the twelfe daie of October he rode to the Tower of London, and there deliuered king Henrie out of the ward, where he before was kept, and brought him to the kings lodging, where he was serued according to his degrée.