[1] [2] Wherevpon he with his brother the duke of Glo|cester, the lord Scales, and diuerse other his trustie friends, entered into the ship.The lord Hastings. The lord Hastings ta|ried a while after, exhorting all his acquaintance, that of necessitie should tarie behind, to shew themselues openlie as friends to king Henrie for their owne safegard, but hartilie required them in secret to co [...]|tinue faithfull to king Edward. This persuasion de|clared, he entered the ship with the other, and so they departed,The number that passed o|uer with king Edward. being in number in that one ship and two hulkes, about seuen or eight hundred persons, ha|uing no furniture of apparell or other necessarie things with them, sauing apparell for warre. Abr. Fl. [For it was no taking of leasure to prouide their corporall necessaries (though the want of them could hardlie be borne) in a case of present danger; considering that they were made against by the contrarie faction with such swift pursute. And it had bene a point of ex|treme follie, to be carefull for the accidents, permit|mitting in the meane time the substance vnto the spoile.]