[1] King Edward wakened with the newes of the earles landing, and the great repaire of people that came flocking in vnto him, sent foorth letters into all parts of his realme to raise an armie: but of them that were sent for, few came, and yet of those few the more part came with no great good willes. Which when he perceiued, he began to doubt the matter, and therefore being accompanied with the duke of Glocester his brother, the lord Hastings his cham|berlaine, which had maried the earles sister, and yet was euer true to the king his maister, and the lord Scales brother to the quéene, he departed into Lin|colneshire. And bicause he vnderstood that all the realme was vp against him, and some part of the earle of Warwike power was within halfe a daies iournie of him, following the aduise of his counsell, with all hast possible he passed the Washes in great ieopardie,King Ed|ward cõmeth to Lin and ta|keth ship to passe ouer seas. & comming to Lin found there an Eng|lish ship, and two hulkes of Holland readie (as for|tune would) to make saile.